The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 allows for unsolicited commercial emails as long as it adheres to three basic types of compliance: unsubscribe, content and sending behavior.

When a company I have no prior relationship violates one or more of these compliance requirements – I publish the offense here.

Lifeguard Financial – you are a idiots!

Ok so I love telemarketers.  I always take the call and listen to what they have to say and see if they cross an ethical line.

Earlier today I got a call about debt consolidation but the person implied that they were hired by my credit card company and when I called him on it and his lack of ethics he hung up on me.

About an hour later I got a call from another group but the woman was very polite and very clear about why she was calling – when I asked her to clarify how she got my name she sent me to a supervisor who was also very clear.  I said I wasn’t interested at this time and he said that they don’t call back but I could go to their website:

Anyways about 20 minutes later I get a call from a guy asking me about debt consolidation.  At first I figured it was a 3rd company calling me until I realized it was also Lifeguard Financial.  So I told the guy that I just spoke to his company, that I took their information, and that they said they wouldn’t call me again.  So instead of apologizing he starts to go into what his company does. I told his I knew what his company does because I actually spoke to the guy on the last call.  He wouldn’t shut up so I told him to take my name off his list and he hung up.

About 10 minutes later – no joke – I got a call about debt consolidation from – you guessed t: Lifeguard Financial.  So I acted really happy and into it and asked to speak to a manager.  They transferred me to Yuri and when I told him my story he got pissed at me and asked me why I bothered to get him and to just ask to be taken off the list.  I explained that since this was my third time I figured clearly they don’t HAVE a list.  He explained sometimes that “wires get crossed”  and then proceeded to ask me if I wanted to know more about what his company does.

So Lifeguard Financial – you are a idiots!

Call my house – use my name even – and then call again and again!

I am waiting for them to call again :)

So no – I do not want to use your services – and don’t call again!


14 Responses to Lifeguard Financial – you are a idiots!

  • Diesel says:

    Well mysterious blogger, in high school i worked at a telemarking place. If you knew the type of people who worked there, let alone the managers, you shouldn’t be surprised. As far as the multiple calls, all of those places just have automatic dialers, so it does take 1-2 weeks before you get removed from their list. So either Lifeguard Financial isn’t an a-hole b/c they’re just like all the other telemarketing places, or ALL telemarketing places are a-holes……or maybe its your debt that’s the a-hole for making them call you in the first place.

  • admin says:

    Not all telemarketing places are assholes. They called me 3 times in less than an hour – you want to blame the auto-dialer that gave them my name and details? Someone there has a bad policy – people are assholes – not machines. My debt did not make them call me – their desire to make a profit off my debt did.

  • Diesel says:

    Well, if you had NO DEBT they wouldn’t have called you. It’s that simple. You have debt (just like everyone else) and you get put on a list that telemarketing places buy. Then an auto dialer connects you with telemarketers. Am I speaking too fast for you?

    As far as bad policy, that doesn’t even make sense. Oh, and NEWS FLASH: a company wanting to make a profit off of your debt isn’t anything new. There’s a million people who are exactly like you, except they don’t cry about it in a shitty blog.

  • admin says:

    If you think my blog is shitty – don’t read it.

    Calling the same person three times within and hour means that something is screwed up on their end.

    I don’t care if it is because I have bad debt or because they want to sell me a newspaper subscription.

    I am equally amused and annoyed when the local paper calls to ask me to sign up because they won’t bother to check that I already do!

    As for well that is their business. Sure – it is their business but I don’t have to like or respect their business practices and the point of this blog is to point out that there are right ways of doing things – right from a legal perspective.

  • Diesel says:

    1) shitty blogs are the most fun to read, b/c the blogger is usually a pathetic dunce who thinks they’re intelligent beyond belief, you’re no exception

    2) an automatica dialer that dials the same number three times in one hour is not broken, it’s simply automatically dialing, moron

    3) you have absolutely no legal recourse for them calling you at this point, if the problem persists with the same company over a prolonged duration then you MIGHT have a case, but only a lonely sack of shit with nothing better to do will actually do something about it.

    4) something tells me that you’ll probably do something about it.

  • Diesel says:

    Hey, admin, what’s wrong? Did my earlier comment scare you? Is that why you didn’t post it on here? Because you don’t want your “loyal fans” to see someone ripping you to pieces on here? Hahahahahaha, you’re a coward. So tough in front of people who are simply doing their jobs, but when a random person tears you to pieces you turn into a chicken shit. I love it.

  • homeowner says:

    Lifegaurd Financial is a business that uses telemarkeing to help ALOT of people. Thousands of people out there have no idea that they can cut their credit card balances in half and cut thier payments in half; and are very desperate for some cash in thier pockets! (If your credit score is terrible, then its a no brainer!) Most in this financial state would be thrilled to have an extra $200 a month in their pockets. They also have no idea that with LGF it is so easy to clean up a horrible credit score. There is a good and a bad side to everything. So some people got sloppy with taking notes on their leads or something got disorganized; my point is that the good outweighs the bad. People are supposed to be patient and understanding-that would be you.

  • Jeff Nothelfer says:

    Hey, Diesel Dip Shit. I sure would like to know what you’d do if they called you three times in an hour ? Those stupid mother f*ckers are the only c*ck suckers who wont quit calling even though my number is on the national do not call list ! They are ASSHOLES ! Oh, and i have no debt dip shit. I never thought id see the day an individual defended a telemarketer,lol. WOW

  • admin says:

    Actually I just forgot about you. Sorry :)

  • Diesel says:

    Hey Jeff Nothelfer,

    First of all, don’t try to make a fake name, everyone knows you are simply the admin. Telemarketers don’t call me at all. If they DID call me three times in one hour, I wouldn’t like it, you are right. But I wouldn’t fuck with them, and I’d be polite with the manager so that I wouldn’t get calls down the road. Also, what part about AUTOMATIC DIALER don’t you understand? Those people are sitting there with phones saying “hmmm, I think I’ll dial his number just one more time, that will really piss him off” – and you think I’m the dip shit? Last, you typed “lol” – that is proof that you are the dip shit, dip shit.

  • admin says:

    I understand auto-dialer. Doesn’t mean I have to like it. And I did talk to a manager who thought I was wasting his time! The point here is that there has to be some responsibility – you can’t blame the phone when you are the one one the phone call. Its a horrible job. I believe we can change the world one long drawn phone call at a time.

  • Diesel says:

    Hey Jeff “admin” Nothelfer,

    I bet the manager though you were wasting his time b/c you were, hence your “long drawn phone call at a time” comment at the bottom, which I’m guessing means drawn out phone call. Also, what is “you are the one one the phone call.” ??? Here’s an idea of how to change the world: use spell check you idiot. Game set match goes to Diesel (yeah, I just referred to myself in third person, that’s how awesome I am)

  • Diesel says:

    and don’t get a geek orgasm over my typing error with “though” when it should be “thought” – spell check wouldn’t have caught that. Geek.

  • Furious says:

    I’ll give an an even bigger problem with Lifeguard. They took all my information, even made a letter that would go out to my creditors and then never made any attempt ta getting an settlement. My creditors, not calling before Lifeguard, begin to call. I follow up. One of the numbers I have for them is “no longer in service”. WHEN I get someone I am told that my advisor was no longer with Lifeguard and they had not planned on contacting me in any form or fashion!!!!!!!!! I was furious. What is worse is the fact that they had begun to draw money from my bank account in auto drafts without any settlements made with anyone!!!!!!!!! Now I have to try and get the money back and cancel the contract. I don’t know how successful I will be. I usually don’t cuss, but your evaluation of Lifeguard is correct. I’d like to know if anyone else has had this experience? Moral support in this situation is better than nothing. At this point, I am way in the hole. Furious.

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